
Showing posts with the label Tattoo Designs

design your own tattoo

Recommendations Learn the proper way to design their own tattoos. During the last ten years tattoos are getting more and more popular among men and women from different cultures and backgrounds. Many people want to have a tattoo to signify no loyalty to loved ones so they can show their admiration for a particular religion or heritage. Some of the most complicated things can select the right tattoo. There are many designs and styles in which to choose from either using the web or in tattoo. Most people currently intended to have something special to the epidermis they itch really no one else could emulate. More and more individuals decide to design its own and this article written especially to give various tips on how to design their own tattoos so you can have something that absolutely no one except you have. Assuming you happen to be someone with an artistic eye and inspire then this may not be a problem and also you can come up with some designs in minutes. On the other hand, not a...

Hannya Mask - Tattoo Idea

One of My Artwork that I have been working on. Hannya Mask - Idea of Hori Mouja Media - Pencil,Marker and Oil Pastel on Drawing Paper

Star Tattoo Designs For Girls

Tattoo designs for girls are a good idea - there are so many different types of tattoos that girls can choose from (more so than men) that it's a good plan to get some idea of the types of girls tattoo designs first before taking the plunge. This way, you'll be prepared and won't have any regrets. In this article, I'll tell you about 8 different types of tattoos that a girl can get. Star Tattoo Designs For Girls Star tattoos are really popular with girls. The most common locations are the hip, the foot, the inner wrist and the side of the torso. There are two basic styles you can choose from. The first is just simple black or green outlined stars. The second is a multi-coloured and multiple starred "shooting star" type look. These look especially great on the back, torso or hip.

The Most Creative Tattoo Fonts

Are you planning to have a tattoo that has characters and words such as name tattoo ? Make sure you do the proper research in order to get the best suitable tattoo fonts. Tattoo designing is a serious art . Since tattoos are generally for a life time and are parts of your body, getting the best possible is the right approach. You can choose from huge range of fonts available. You can generate and select various types of font by using your computer. Combining tattoo fonts with your tattoo design and check out the final design is very easy with computer. Print out your selected tattoo designs and show it to your tattoo artist for advice. This will help your artist to craft your favorite tattoo design on your body. When it comes to tattoo fonts, Fiery and Icy styles are most sought after. If you want to have a cool personality these fonts are the best. Several popular designs utilized from Old English. Usually people prefer eye-catching tattoo fonts for obvious reasons. But, do you ...

How to Use Tattoo Sketches As Part of Choosing Your Tattoo

The art of tattooing has evolved significantly over the years. While the basic concept is the same, the technology and techniques used to create effective skin tattoos have definitely evolved. One thing remains the same however - tattoo sketches play an integral part in what the finished product will look like. Tattoo sketches basically create the starting point for both the client and the tattoo artist to help them determine which direction to go with the tattoo. While a lot of people go into a shop, pick a sketch from a catalogue and run with it, others are more interested in creating a piece that is unique to them and that they will enjoy looking at many years down the road. The main factor behind a tattoo sketch would obviously be the design itself. Are you more into cultural designs, modern designs or a combination of both? Once you are able to identify what appeals to you most, you can have your starting point for your tattoo. Remember that your tattoo is supposed to be an expr...

Tattoo Designs - How to Choose Tattoo Designs

Choosing tattoo designs is the most important aspect of planning any new tattoo . The key to success is taking the time to think long and hard about your options. Too many people fail to think before getting inked, and often live to regret their hasty decisions. Remember, tattoos are permanent and tattoo removal is an expensive process. Take your time and make the right choice for you. There is a huge variety of different design styles available for tattoo enthusiasts these days. Choosing a design can therefore be difficult as we really are spoilt for choice. Design styles range from abstract tribal tattoo designs inked in black , to very colourful butterfly tattoos . Different designs and iconography within designs have a variety of associated meanings and cultural significance. It is important to select a tattoo design that really means something to you. Other important factors to consider when choosing a tattoo design are the colours used in the design, as well as the size of...

Tattoo Designs - Zodiac, Celtic and Tribal Tattoos

Finding the right kind of tattoo design is an important task. There are countless numbers of art designs to choose from and getting the one that fits you best can be a tough decision. So why is getting the right kind of tattoo design so important, here are reasons to think about: 1. Tattoos last a really long time. They are a peice of body art that literally sticks with you for years upon years. 2. You have to look at the same tattoo every day. This may not seem like a big deal, but whatever design you choose, you are stuck with it, like it or not. So getting something pleasing on your eye is still extremely important. 3. They can be really expensive. Tattoo artist charge a significant amount of money for the work they do. It's not that they are overcharging, they have a really specialized job. So before they do the work, make sure it is what you want. 4. They can be a deep expression of your inner self. So what exactly does that mean? Well, tattoos are something that should...

Tattoo Designs of Calendar Zodiac Signs

Tattoo designs of zodiac signs have always been very popular as a lot of people know their star sign and how their characteristics can provide an insight into who they are. So as tattoos are very personal they make an easy choice of tattoo design because once you know your star sign it's easy to find a symbol to represent your zodiac sign. However, as well as traditional western astrological signs you could also use those from Chinese astrology. The Chinese zodiac follows a 12 year cycle, with each year named after 12 animals. These animals represent twelve different personality types which can be summarized as follows: Rat (1948,1960, 1972, 1984,1996, 2008) Disciplined, meticulous, hard-working and ambitious yet honest. Can be manipulative, selfish and prone to spend freely. Ox (1949,1961, 1973, 1985,1997, 2009) Bright, patient, dependable calm and inspiring to others. Can be happy in their own company but also stubborn, demanding and materialistic. Tiger (1950,1962...

Dragon Tattoo Design

Nothing looks more awe-inspiring and impressive than a Tattoo of a dragon when it has been done by the best artist. These mythological beasts have managed to capture our imagination for centuries and you cannot deny how great they look when they are proudly displayed on someone's skin. While styles of Tattoo ing will come and go, over time, the popularity of dragon Tattoo designs remains pretty constant. This is primarily down to the fact that a dragon piece can be moulded to be as big as the wearer wants and can be Tattoo ed onto absolutely any part of the body. From the side of the neck, right down to your ankle, trust me, there are numerous designs that will look great on you. This genre of Tattoo ing can work well for either sex. Ladies may prefer to opt for a less aggressive-looking dragon design: one with ample color and surrounded by other more feminine features. Men are the ones who will usually choose a dragon as a Tattoo , however, and this has to be due to the...

Cherry Blossom Tattoos For Girls

Cherry blossoms are a unique design and is a favorite tattoo for girls . This is one of nature's stunning display of beauty that many girls have come to love. In the Asian cultures the Cherry blossoms is a very popular tattoo style much like the star tattoos are in the western part of the world. Girls adore the beauty and sensual look of the Cherry blossom tattoo s , as they are just breath taking and beautiful. The design holds many significant and rich meanings. It is used as a symbol of love by the Chinese, this alone will entice girls to want to get a tattoo of the Cherry blossom . Usually when it is tattooed the design depicts tree branches and sometimes the whole tree along with the flowers. Falling blossom petals are sometimes inked into the design which them alone have special meanings. Girls are also attracted to the design because of the brilliant shades of colors that the flowers have. They are commonly tattooed in a range of bright pink to a more faded pinkish c...

Tattoo and Body Piercing

You've passed by them on the streets or at the mall and you have looked in curiosity and possibly turned away in disgust. You know what I mean--they are the teens of today--what used to be the fringe, the counterculture, who have now become more mainstream, the ones with the nose rings and pierced tongues. You silently wonder "how can they eat like that or blow their noses?" And then your 16-year-old daughter returns from school one day talking about her friend Mallory's new navel ring. She thinks it's cool and wants one. You are dead-set against the idea, but how do you handle this situation? Some teens respond positively to "Not as long as your under my roof" and they wait until they move out or go to college. Other teens may say "Well then I'll just leave," and will move out. According to Woodinville, Washington, therapist, Elaine Pool, "You know your teen best." You should know what kind of limits work and what kind of limit...