
Showing posts with the label native tattoos

native tattoos

Today many parents panic if their child gets a tattoo at some point in their lives. Many regard it as a degrading practice that symbolizes rebellion. But it must be remembered that the tattoo was and is an art that comes naturally to many indigenous people for hundreds of years. Tattoos have become customary in many native tribes or race around the world, although the origin of it varied within each tribe or race. Tattoo, over the years, has signified caste, citizenship, servility, pride or marital status for many races. In the Hawaiian Islands tattooing was common prior to 1800 and would indicate what tribe or district you came from. The material used for staining on native tattooing Vermillion, carbon, gunpowder and indigo. It is embedded in the skin with a sharp knife or needle handmade. Members of the tribe Tucanoe known for three vertical blue lines tattooed on the body. This is an indication that they belong to the tribe. In the South China Sea area where Borneo, the Philippines,...