
Showing posts with the label immortal tattoo

back tattoo for woman

See that wave and flower lower back body woman tattoo look so sexy and feminine! contras color with great tattoos design ideas! suitable for back body full tattoos Thousand apologies to the frequent visitors who come in here regularly and only to be disappointed by the lack of updates since the last time. 2010 has been a very slow year for Immortal Tattoos, Singapore and to add more pressure on us, there have been at least 3 FAKE blogspots carrying the works done by us. All of which is from some Indonesian guy/girl/faggot who has lots of free time in his/her/its hands. Legal action to close down the fake sites is on the way and hopefully it will be over and done with soon. I am pretty sure that Indonesian guy/girl/faggot will be reading this. And I would like to say, "Just don't let me find out where exactly you are, cuz if I do, I will rip you apart." Moving along from there, I have been very lazy doing new projects as well. But fret not !! I am back and I need...

Immortal tattoo font


Tattoo Designs - Zodiac, Celtic and Tribal Tattoos

Finding the right kind of tattoo design is an important task. There are countless numbers of art designs to choose from and getting the one that fits you best can be a tough decision. So why is getting the right kind of tattoo design so important, here are reasons to think about: 1. Tattoos last a really long time. They are a peice of body art that literally sticks with you for years upon years. 2. You have to look at the same tattoo every day. This may not seem like a big deal, but whatever design you choose, you are stuck with it, like it or not. So getting something pleasing on your eye is still extremely important. 3. They can be really expensive. Tattoo artist charge a significant amount of money for the work they do. It's not that they are overcharging, they have a really specialized job. So before they do the work, make sure it is what you want. 4. They can be a deep expression of your inner self. So what exactly does that mean? Well, tattoos are something that should...

Popular Tribal Tattoo Flash Designs

Choosing an ideal tribal tattoos flash design seems to be so easy. But for a newbie this will surely need some time especially when there are many options to choose from. If you are in this position, it is recommendable to select from popular tribal tattoos flash designs instead of just randomly browsing through the net or checking out magazines and catalogs at the tattoos studio. Here are some of the most popular among the many tribal tattoos flash designs: (1) Cross One of the top favorites among tattoos enthusiasts is the Cross because it is very symbolic and can be used in various themes. People who have tribal Cross tattoos have various reasons such as expression of faith, to remember a departed Love d one, to symbolize hope and many others. Gothic and Celtic tribal tattoos flash designs are two of the most popular themes that use the Cross extensively. (2) " Ta Moko " also known as Maori tattoos The Maori in New Zealand are of Polynesian descent and t...

Tattoo Ideas - Secret Sexy Tattoos For Couples

Looking for sexy tattoos ideas for you and your significant other? Sharing a secret, sexy tattoos that is just between you and another person can be very personal and meaningful. Here are some ideas for sexy tattoos that are meant just for couples. First there is the sexy tattoos itself. What the sexy tattoos says, what it means, the design and feelings behind it are all something to think about. That is very important for couples. But there is also the act of getting the sexy tattoos done as a couple. That can be just as significant. Make sure for the meaning to be heightened in its importance that the two of you get your sexy tattoos done together, at the same time. They say it is the journey not just the destination that is the prize. Think about this as a couple considering a sexy tattoos , that is meant for just you two. Spend time together talking about what is important in your relationship, where you want the relationship to go, even where the relationship has been. C...


Star tattoos , sun tattoos , moon tattoos can be symbols of truth, spirit and of hope. Star tattoos or more precisely the Nautical Star tattoos were considered to be lucky charms by the men at sea to find back their way in the sea and realize their sought after ambitions. Star tattoos are also often associated with actually having reached your goal and dreams. Star tattoos will never look outdated, especially when you add details from your own style and imagination. Star tattoos have been found to add spice to your life and it enables creativity to flow among anyone who has one. Star tattoos have been quite popular and a number of famous personalities and movie stars have got Star tattoos on their body.It could be because it has the word star associated with it. Star tattoos are one of the most popular forms of tattoos and you can find a large selection of Star tattoos . Star tattoos have come to be some of the most requested tattoos and there are variou...

Tattoo Designs of Calendar Zodiac Signs

Tattoo designs of zodiac signs have always been very popular as a lot of people know their star sign and how their characteristics can provide an insight into who they are. So as tattoos are very personal they make an easy choice of tattoo design because once you know your star sign it's easy to find a symbol to represent your zodiac sign. However, as well as traditional western astrological signs you could also use those from Chinese astrology. The Chinese zodiac follows a 12 year cycle, with each year named after 12 animals. These animals represent twelve different personality types which can be summarized as follows: Rat (1948,1960, 1972, 1984,1996, 2008) Disciplined, meticulous, hard-working and ambitious yet honest. Can be manipulative, selfish and prone to spend freely. Ox (1949,1961, 1973, 1985,1997, 2009) Bright, patient, dependable calm and inspiring to others. Can be happy in their own company but also stubborn, demanding and materialistic. Tiger (1950,1962...


Star tattoos , sun tattoos , moon tattoos can be symbols of truth, spirit and of hope. Star tattoos or more precisely the Nautical Star tattoos were considered to be lucky charms by the men at sea to find back their way in the sea and realize their sought after ambitions. Star tattoos are also often associated with actually having reached your goal and dreams. Star tattoos will never look outdated, especially when you add details from your own style and imagination. Star tattoos have been found to add spice to your life and it enables creativity to flow among anyone who has one. Star tattoos have been quite popular and a number of famous personalities and movie stars have got Star tattoos on their body.It could be because it has the word star associated with it. Star tattoos are one of the most popular forms of tattoos and you can find a large selection of Star tattoos . Star tattoos have come to be some of the most requested tattoos and there are various s...


Girls star tattoos are considered to be very meaningful and symbolic because they mainly represent a person's dreams and goals in life. There is a lot to consider when planning on getting a star tattoo , like why you want it, what size it should be, how unique you want it to be and most importantly where on your body you want it. Let me tell you about the five most common types of star tattoos and their symbolic meanings. Let's start with the Pentagram star tattoo . This tattoo has a deep meaning to it and it is a 5-pointed star. The five points represent the five elements which are fire, wood, earth, water and metal. It also symbolizes faith, health, mathematical perfection and celestial sky. Next is the girls moon star tattoo . This tattoo represents the sky during the night and it is also a combination of the moon and the star(s). Compared to other star tattoo s, moon star tattoos have little symbolic meaning to it but they are very beautiful. Another type of star ta...

Dragon Tattoo Design

Nothing looks more awe-inspiring and impressive than a Tattoo of a dragon when it has been done by the best artist. These mythological beasts have managed to capture our imagination for centuries and you cannot deny how great they look when they are proudly displayed on someone's skin. While styles of Tattoo ing will come and go, over time, the popularity of dragon Tattoo designs remains pretty constant. This is primarily down to the fact that a dragon piece can be moulded to be as big as the wearer wants and can be Tattoo ed onto absolutely any part of the body. From the side of the neck, right down to your ankle, trust me, there are numerous designs that will look great on you. This genre of Tattoo ing can work well for either sex. Ladies may prefer to opt for a less aggressive-looking dragon design: one with ample color and surrounded by other more feminine features. Men are the ones who will usually choose a dragon as a Tattoo , however, and this has to be due to the...

Dragon Tattoo

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is the first of a trilogy based on the Swedish novels of Stieg Larsson. As I have not read the novels, I cannot comment on their transition to the big-screen. This film, however, is excellent as a stand-alone and is very well executed in nearly every aspect. I very much look forward to the rest of the trilogy which has already been filmed and released. The story, set in Sweden, follows Mikael (Michael Nyqvist), a journalist facing prison after being set-up, and Lisbeth (Noomi Rapace), a hacker on probation with a mysterious and troubled past. Their paths cross in the quest to solve a 15 year old cold-case disappearance. During which they encounter many twists, cover-ups, and close calls. The films structure and proceedings remind me of David Fincher's Zodiac (2007), in that it is meticulously paced and focused more on the investigators, rather than the villain. So much so, that it is impossible for anyone unfamiliar with the novel to determine w...