
Showing posts with the label tattoo

back tattoo for woman

See that wave and flower lower back body woman tattoo look so sexy and feminine! contras color with great tattoos design ideas! suitable for back body full tattoos Thousand apologies to the frequent visitors who come in here regularly and only to be disappointed by the lack of updates since the last time. 2010 has been a very slow year for Immortal Tattoos, Singapore and to add more pressure on us, there have been at least 3 FAKE blogspots carrying the works done by us. All of which is from some Indonesian guy/girl/faggot who has lots of free time in his/her/its hands. Legal action to close down the fake sites is on the way and hopefully it will be over and done with soon. I am pretty sure that Indonesian guy/girl/faggot will be reading this. And I would like to say, "Just don't let me find out where exactly you are, cuz if I do, I will rip you apart." Moving along from there, I have been very lazy doing new projects as well. But fret not !! I am back and I need...

Tribal Tattoo Design - Symbolism and Meaning

Finding the right tribal tattoo design should focus on learning the meaning and symbolism behind the tattoo . Even if you are satisfied with the particular tribal design and want to get it on that basis alone, you still should find out what particular symbolism or meaning the design has, if any. Many individuals blindly go out and grab any generic tribal tattoo design without even realizing it's history and symbolism. If you are going to wear the tribal design , it should be your responsibility to at least research a bit of history on it and if there is some meaning behind it. If you find out that it is a symbol or belief you are not really on par with, then it may cause you to consider thinking of another design . On the other hand, searching for meaning when looking for a tribal tattoo , can be done out of a weak rationalization that this will somehow justify jumping on the bandwagon. If you truly are after significance in your ink then do your due dili...

Tribal Spider Tattoo - Tips on Your New Tattoo!

You have decided that you are ready for a new tattoo and you have chosen a tribal spider tattoo as your design, but you know that there is more to it than that, right? Tribal tattoos tribal spider tattoo . Doing the proper planning beforehand can save time and money and it could mean the difference in the quality of your tattoo . are very hot lately and it is easy to see why they are. But there are some questions you need to think about before you get your new If you have already gone and used Google Images for your search for your new design, you need to know that so has everyone else. This is the first place that tattoo lovers go when looking for new designs, but it means that you could risk ending up with the same spider tattoo as someone else. And that isn't what you want. I recommend researching a pay o tribal tatto site. A pay tattoo site gives you access to custom tribal designs as well as tattoo artists that do nothing but specialize in tribal tattoos . You also ...

Why Fans Hate Brock Lesnar Reason Number 657


What Makes Tattoo Art Popular?

A tattoo is a certain kind of marking done in the layer of the skin through the use of ink. The ink is inserted into the skin which results into a change of appearance of skin by giving it a sort of a design or decoration. Many people have used tattoo art for many reasons. • In the past tattoos served as rites of passage that show a man or a woman has finally reached the age where he or she can be considered an adult and has therefore passed childhood. • Tattoo art has also been used to show the rank of a person in a society or in a group. Tattoos are status symbols in many societies in the world back in the old days. • Tattoo art has also been used to symbolize bravery and heroism. • There are some people who also have tattoos as a sexual lure or a sign of fertility. • Some people also consider tattoos as amulets. Tattoos are worn for protection. • Tattoo art has also become famous with outcasts, slaves, and convicts. These people has a certain form of tattoo art to show their experie...

Tattoo Designs of Calendar Zodiac Signs

Tattoo designs of zodiac signs have always been very popular as a lot of people know their star sign and how their characteristics can provide an insight into who they are. So as tattoos are very personal they make an easy choice of tattoo design because once you know your star sign it's easy to find a symbol to represent your zodiac sign. However, as well as traditional western astrological signs you could also use those from Chinese astrology. The Chinese zodiac follows a 12 year cycle, with each year named after 12 animals. These animals represent twelve different personality types which can be summarized as follows: Rat (1948,1960, 1972, 1984,1996, 2008) Disciplined, meticulous, hard-working and ambitious yet honest. Can be manipulative, selfish and prone to spend freely. Ox (1949,1961, 1973, 1985,1997, 2009) Bright, patient, dependable calm and inspiring to others. Can be happy in their own company but also stubborn, demanding and materialistic. Tiger (1950,1962...

Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace

You are waiting on your next interview when a candidate with more body piercings than the bad guy from the movie Hellraiser walks through the door. What do you do? Generation Next employees have taken a strong interest in tattoo s and body piercings much the same way baby boomers fell in love with long hair and VW vans. While employers in previous decades had candidates with afros or with hair down to their waist, employers today face those with " tats " and " nose rings ." Large employers have established clear policies pertaining to the display of body art and piercings. Starbucks has a policy that limits employees to ear piercings only and then to only two small earrings on each ear whether the employee is male or female. At Disney Theme Parks, no piercings are allowed on any employee unless it is part of their "character." TV shows like LA Ink are glamorizing tattoo s and you may see candidates who are covered with "art" from hea...

Cherry Blossom Tattoos For Girls

Cherry blossoms are a unique design and is a favorite tattoo for girls . This is one of nature's stunning display of beauty that many girls have come to love. In the Asian cultures the Cherry blossoms is a very popular tattoo style much like the star tattoos are in the western part of the world. Girls adore the beauty and sensual look of the Cherry blossom tattoo s , as they are just breath taking and beautiful. The design holds many significant and rich meanings. It is used as a symbol of love by the Chinese, this alone will entice girls to want to get a tattoo of the Cherry blossom . Usually when it is tattooed the design depicts tree branches and sometimes the whole tree along with the flowers. Falling blossom petals are sometimes inked into the design which them alone have special meanings. Girls are also attracted to the design because of the brilliant shades of colors that the flowers have. They are commonly tattooed in a range of bright pink to a more faded pinkish c...

Tattoo Ideas - angelina Jolei Tattoo in Back

For some people the reason they refrain from getting a tattoo in the first place is because they feel they will regret their tattoo decision or they just simple can't comprehend the idea of having inked embedded in their skin for the rest of your life. However, that is just a chance you are going to have to take when you get a tattoo . But don't fret you are not a lone in the tattoo regret department. It has been said that more woman than men regret their tattoo decisions, mainly because woman are judged more often than men when it comes to tattoos. However, if you do regret one of your tattoo designs , you are not alone at all. The incredible Angelina Jolie has several tattoos that she has regretted and gotten covered up and lasered off. Here's a pretty lengthy list of the tattoos that Angelina has regretted and gotten covered up. 1. A dragon on her left arm (She has been lasering it for some months now but it can still be faintly seen). 2. "Billy Bob...

Tattoo and Body Piercing

You've passed by them on the streets or at the mall and you have looked in curiosity and possibly turned away in disgust. You know what I mean--they are the teens of today--what used to be the fringe, the counterculture, who have now become more mainstream, the ones with the nose rings and pierced tongues. You silently wonder "how can they eat like that or blow their noses?" And then your 16-year-old daughter returns from school one day talking about her friend Mallory's new navel ring. She thinks it's cool and wants one. You are dead-set against the idea, but how do you handle this situation? Some teens respond positively to "Not as long as your under my roof" and they wait until they move out or go to college. Other teens may say "Well then I'll just leave," and will move out. According to Woodinville, Washington, therapist, Elaine Pool, "You know your teen best." You should know what kind of limits work and what kind of limit...