
Showing posts with the label tattoo ideas

2 Koi immortal tatto in singapore

Hello all.... Its been awhile since I have updated anything in here... Been busy with life ( Even though it sucks most of the time ) and new projects. Well, anyway, did this piece a day ago. Enjoy !

Miami Ink Angel Tattoo

Miami Ink Angel Tattoo | Assuming that you have selected the angel Tattoo as your first or next tattoo , now the most difficult part begins. How to find the lots of angel Tattoo sketches? Finding the extraordinary sketches of angel Tattoo design is not easy. Your best bet is internet. Internet is very powerful medium if used properly. Easiest way to find the angel Tattoo design is using the search engine like Yahoo, Google, MSN etc. Writing the common term like “ angel Tattoo design ” or “free angel Tattoo design ” in search box of any search engine will reveal millions of websites. If you have time and patience then open each one and find out whether they have your dream angel Tattoo design . There is one easy way to find your dream angel Tattoo design online for people like me. Instead of wasting your time on browsing lots of website that offers free design s, if you become the member of Tattoo design gallery then you not only save your time but in the long run you ...

Armband Tattoo

Armband Tattoo Armband Tattoo Armband Tattoo Armband Tattoo

Celtic Cross Tattoo Design

This celtic cross back tattoo is definitely one of the nicest ones I’ve seen. The detailed black design is beautiful, and the purple middle sets it off perfectly. I think a back tattoo is the best place to add a celtic cross with the tp of it ear the base of your neck. Seems to fit so well there. Celtic Cross Tattoo Design Celtic Cross Tattoo Design Celtic Cross Tattoo Design

Hannya Mask - Tattoo Idea

One of My Artwork that I have been working on. Hannya Mask - Idea of Hori Mouja Media - Pencil,Marker and Oil Pastel on Drawing Paper

Celtic Tribal Tattoo Design

Anyone Knows why Choose Celtic Tribal Tattoos are so cool ? Well , Celtic tribal tattoo designs have intermingling patterns that provide some symbolic meanings . If you want to express your passion for ancient culture and tradition , then Celtic tribal tattoos are a great option. The Celtic descendants originally wished to express their pride for their rich heritage through these designs. These tattoo designs have complicated knots that have no beginning or end and they represent the love for nature. Celtic Tribal Tattoo Design Celtic Tribal Tattoo Design Celtic Tribal Tattoo Design Celtic Tribal Tattoo Design Celtic Tribal Tattoo Design

Tribal Tattoo Designs For Girls

Tattoo designs for girls are a good idea - there are so many different types of tattoos that girls can choose from (more so than men) that it's a good plan to get some idea of the types of girls tattoo designs first before taking the plunge. This way, you'll be prepared and won't have any regrets. In this article, I'll tell you about 8 different types of tattoos that a girl can get. Tribal Tattoo Designs For Girls Tribal tattoos are especially popular with men but they look equally as good on women. They are especially popular on the lower back but also look great elsewhere on the back and on the sides.Sometimes they are combined with non-tribal flowers . The tribal part of the tattoo is the main stem and shoots.

Tattoo Wedding Ideas

This is often regarded as an idea that is not satisfactory to find the name of a future spouse a tattoo on the body. In the event of divorce, the tattoo will stay there forever. Many people choose to get a wedding ring tattoo, but it may also be eternal and most people prefer to get a wedding ring. However, there are a number of other tattoo idea for engaged and married couples. Here are some wedding ideas tattoos. Song Lyrics or Quote Tattoo Ideas The best tattoo ideas weddings for couples who get married are the lyrics of songs. If there is a specific song that relates to the relationship, both from the people in relationships can choose to use one of the lyrics for a tattoo. Lyrics may only be from your wedding song to be used for the first dance. Another one of the tattoo idea is to each take the lyrics of every song that represents their feelings to others. Another option is for couples to get a tattoo quotes that are important to both of them. It's probably about how exactly ...

Star Wrist Tattoo

Star Wrist Tattoo Star Wrist Tattoo Star Wrist Tattoo

The Most Creative Tattoo Fonts

Are you planning to have a tattoo that has characters and words such as name tattoo ? Make sure you do the proper research in order to get the best suitable tattoo fonts. Tattoo designing is a serious art . Since tattoos are generally for a life time and are parts of your body, getting the best possible is the right approach. You can choose from huge range of fonts available. You can generate and select various types of font by using your computer. Combining tattoo fonts with your tattoo design and check out the final design is very easy with computer. Print out your selected tattoo designs and show it to your tattoo artist for advice. This will help your artist to craft your favorite tattoo design on your body. When it comes to tattoo fonts, Fiery and Icy styles are most sought after. If you want to have a cool personality these fonts are the best. Several popular designs utilized from Old English. Usually people prefer eye-catching tattoo fonts for obvious reasons. But, do you ...

Tattoo Designs - How to Choose Tattoo Designs

Choosing tattoo designs is the most important aspect of planning any new tattoo . The key to success is taking the time to think long and hard about your options. Too many people fail to think before getting inked, and often live to regret their hasty decisions. Remember, tattoos are permanent and tattoo removal is an expensive process. Take your time and make the right choice for you. There is a huge variety of different design styles available for tattoo enthusiasts these days. Choosing a design can therefore be difficult as we really are spoilt for choice. Design styles range from abstract tribal tattoo designs inked in black , to very colourful butterfly tattoos . Different designs and iconography within designs have a variety of associated meanings and cultural significance. It is important to select a tattoo design that really means something to you. Other important factors to consider when choosing a tattoo design are the colours used in the design, as well as the size of...

Celtic Heart Tattoo - The Symbol of Love and Romance

Tattoos have since been a form of art and self-expression even from the earliest centuries. It also represents a person's characteristic and how he perceives himself/herself to be. In the past, only the warriors of a tribe had tattoos . This was to show what they have been through. The tattoos of today represent or are in a way, a representation of the tattoo design s of the past. There are tribal tattoo design s, Celtic tattoos , and Goth tattoos . But out of these three tattoo design s, type or class of tattoos ; people look to the Celtic tattoo design s for symbolism from artwork. These Celtic design s are difficult to decipher on what they really mean. The most basic and fundamental key elements of Celtic design tattoos include spirals, knots and crosses, and even hearts. Most commonly, a heart is made with spirals, knots and crosses. A Celtic heart tattoo is requested and even chosen by people who feel a strong emotion which is love. Thus, the heart tattoos symbo...

Hardest Body Parts to Tattoo and Why

Tattooing the neck is very complicated, there are several factors involved that make it an area not for amateurs. The first problem with tattooing the neck is there is no good place to rest the hand while tattooing . The positioning is awkward and the tattoo artist will often have to pivot there wrist and float their elbow,which is polar opposite of the usual tattooing position. The skin of the neck is also very thin and has to be worked carefully or the ink will bleed out of the lines easily. Doing tattooing on the foot can be a real nightmare. Some people have decent skin on the foot that takes the ink very well but some people have leather like feet that fights ink penetration at every step. Even with ideal skin tissue the foot poses problems in that theirs no good place to rest the palm and wrist while tattooing . Tattooing the pantie line is difficult not because of the skin but the placement. The skin around the pantie line is ideal for tattooing it stretches nicely an...

Tattoo Ideas - Secret Sexy Tattoos For Couples

Looking for sexy tattoos ideas for you and your significant other? Sharing a secret, sexy tattoos that is just between you and another person can be very personal and meaningful. Here are some ideas for sexy tattoos that are meant just for couples. First there is the sexy tattoos itself. What the sexy tattoos says, what it means, the design and feelings behind it are all something to think about. That is very important for couples. But there is also the act of getting the sexy tattoos done as a couple. That can be just as significant. Make sure for the meaning to be heightened in its importance that the two of you get your sexy tattoos done together, at the same time. They say it is the journey not just the destination that is the prize. Think about this as a couple considering a sexy tattoos , that is meant for just you two. Spend time together talking about what is important in your relationship, where you want the relationship to go, even where the relationship has been. C...

What Makes Tattoo Art Popular?

A tattoo is a certain kind of marking done in the layer of the skin through the use of ink. The ink is inserted into the skin which results into a change of appearance of skin by giving it a sort of a design or decoration. Many people have used tattoo art for many reasons. • In the past tattoos served as rites of passage that show a man or a woman has finally reached the age where he or she can be considered an adult and has therefore passed childhood. • Tattoo art has also been used to show the rank of a person in a society or in a group. Tattoos are status symbols in many societies in the world back in the old days. • Tattoo art has also been used to symbolize bravery and heroism. • There are some people who also have tattoos as a sexual lure or a sign of fertility. • Some people also consider tattoos as amulets. Tattoos are worn for protection. • Tattoo art has also become famous with outcasts, slaves, and convicts. These people has a certain form of tattoo art to show their experie...