
Showing posts with the label egyptian tattoo design

egyptian tattoo design

Ancient Egyptian culture has done much to contribute to the modern tattoo industry. Historically and socially, Egyptian tattoo designs have emerged as a category of art and as visual artifacts from the history of the Middle East. The ancient Egyptians rely heavily on body decorations and tattoos for religious and other social reasons. Amunet mummy, a priest, was found in Thebes and dates back thousands of years. This mummy shows one example of the earliest known type of tattoo. These ancient Egyptian tattoos consisted of elaborate dot and dash pattern is often used for ritual or ceremony of fertility. Thus, many of these tattoos were reserved for use only in women. And although tattooing is a regular ritual for the ancient Egyptians, such practices are not nearly as happened in modern Egyptian society where the religion of Islam - which ignores the tattooing - valid. In contrast, popularity of Egyptian art and symbols have been enacted in many Western cultures, including the United St...