
Showing posts with the label Tattoos and Piercings

Laser Removing Tattoos

First of all, you should know that getting your tattoo removed by the Tattoo Laser Removal procedure is NOT an easy process. It is actually a lot easier to get a tattoo than to remove it! However, if you are regretting your tattoo and cannot stand to have it on your body anymore, then getting rid of it is probably the right choice to make. Most people tend to opt for removing their unwanted tattoos by laser treatment . While this is a popular choice, you MUST be aware of the following 7 facts about the Tattoo Laser Removal procedure before you make your decision: 1) The side effects of the procedure may include redness, swelling, blistering, infection, loss of skin color, or scabbing. 2) The procedure is expensive. A tattoo that costs $50 to have it put on your body can cost up to $5000 to have removed by laser ! Also, it most probably will leave a scar in the shape of the tattoo . 3) The hardest parts of the body to remove tattoos are hands, fingers and ankles. 4) The tattoo colors...

Tattoos and Piercings in the Workplace

You are waiting on your next interview when a candidate with more body piercings than the bad guy from the movie Hellraiser walks through the door. What do you do? Generation Next employees have taken a strong interest in tattoo s and body piercings much the same way baby boomers fell in love with long hair and VW vans. While employers in previous decades had candidates with afros or with hair down to their waist, employers today face those with " tats " and " nose rings ." Large employers have established clear policies pertaining to the display of body art and piercings. Starbucks has a policy that limits employees to ear piercings only and then to only two small earrings on each ear whether the employee is male or female. At Disney Theme Parks, no piercings are allowed on any employee unless it is part of their "character." TV shows like LA Ink are glamorizing tattoo s and you may see candidates who are covered with "art" from hea...